Post by bcmama on Jul 19, 2016 14:33:39 GMT -5
Does anyone else have a Quaker that purrs? Kosmo does. It's a happy sound for him, but I'm wondering if he also doesn't snore sometimes
Post by easttex on Jul 19, 2016 15:21:44 GMT -5
How I miss that sound! It's a very common indicator of Quaker contentment.
Post by tomandhuevos on Jul 19, 2016 16:32:29 GMT -5
Yup! Huevos purrs all the time. I love that sound. I've been enjoying learning about all the little sounds that they make. The purring is easily my favourite. Shrieking next to my ear? Not so much!
Post by Jan and Shah on Jul 19, 2016 16:38:08 GMT -5
Shah purrs as well.
Jul 19, 2016 18:33:47 GMT -5
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Post by duckysmom on Jul 19, 2016 18:33:47 GMT -5
Ducky purrs as well. Usually when preening me or my BF. If we reach to return the favor, he scolds us. If we let him finish to his hearts content, then he ruffles up his feathers and we are given permission to preen him. And the purring continues. He's a funny little guy.
Jul 19, 2016 19:54:29 GMT -5
Post by cnyguy on Jul 19, 2016 19:54:29 GMT -5
Ralph purrs too, usually when he's getting scritches.
Post by Jan and Shah on Jul 19, 2016 19:56:54 GMT -5
Interesting to read about when other quakers purr - Shah purrs when I put him to bed and so I purr back. We keep that going for a while and then he decides to quack and expects me to respond. Then he does clicking noises and sometimes a little whistle. Then we move onto kissing sounds. He changes the order of the sounds regularly and he always initiates it.
Jul 19, 2016 22:30:41 GMT -5
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Post by wsteinhoff on Jul 19, 2016 22:30:41 GMT -5
I guess Bishop's the odd one here then. He doesn't purr. He'll do something sounding similar but it's more of a growl/grunt and done more when he seems annoyed, not happy.
Post by biteybird on Jul 20, 2016 6:02:29 GMT -5
Bonnie purrs a lot...I can't think of a better word to describe it, because that's exactly what it sounds like; a cat purring! She does it when I scratch under her lower beak or on the top of her head, or when she's trying to preen my hair. Unlike Shah, she doesn't do it when she goes to bed, though. She goes down in the bottom of her cage and does this raucous screeching, sometimes interspersed with saying 'goodnight' in a very squeaky voice.
Jul 20, 2016 11:52:57 GMT -5
Post by aaron on Jul 20, 2016 11:52:57 GMT -5
Yep, Cupcake purrs too She does it when she is particularly delighted, sometimes while getting rubs, but sometimes just when she is happy about something. One of the best noises ever. She also does the growl/grunt when annoyed like Bishop... that is, sadly, much more common than the purr
Jul 22, 2016 13:40:17 GMT -5
Post by julianna on Jul 22, 2016 13:40:17 GMT -5
Love love love the purring.
Sept 20, 2020 18:28:42 GMT -5
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Post by Moxie on Sept 20, 2020 18:28:42 GMT -5
Moxie purrs when u would expect a cat/kitten to purr, comfort. She established this sound when she was about 4 months old. I haven't had a bird in a long time but there is no mistaking her happiness to a new home away from her siblings at the time of day she expresses this sound. Usually right b4 her nite nite cage. What a sweet quaker!